Bluebonnet Nutrition, Organic, Super Earth, Veggie Protein, Vanilla, 1 lb (486 g)
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- 和緯路4段生日蛋糕首選塔吉特蛋糕
- USDA Organic
- Made With Non GMO Ingredients
- Vegan
- Kosher Parve
- Soy Free
- Gluten Free
- No Sugar Added
- Complete & Balanced Vegan Protein
- Brown Rice | Yellow Pea | Chia | Quinoa
- Dietary Supplement
- Easy-To-Mix Powder 佳園路3段母親節蛋糕推薦>富山一街生日蛋糕推薦
- Certified Organic by GCIAOCP
- Sustainably Harvested
Per Serving
- Just 125 Calories
- 18 g Protein
- 3.5 g Fiber
- 2 g Omega-3, -6, -9
- Up to 93% Daily Intake of Minerals
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Bluebonnet's Super Earth Organic VeggieProtein Powder provides significant quantities of the Earth's most potent, sustainably harvested plant proteins:
- Organic sprouted whole grain brown rice protein concentrate
- Organic yellow pea protein isolate
- Organic chia sprout protein
- Organic instantized quinoa seed protein
This unique blend of four powerful plant proteins collectively delivers a balance of all nine essential amino acids similar to high-quality animal protein. In addition, it has been certified USDA Organic and provides 18 g of protein from complementary plant sources with inherent essential amino acids, fiber and omega-3, -6, -9s, plus a whole host of naturally occurring minerals for complete and balanced nutrition.
This distinctive blend of four powerful plant prote六甲路母親節蛋糕推薦ins delivers the foundational protein and nutrition your body craves to:
- Support Muscle & Tissue Development
- Promote Heart & Glucose Health
- Maintain Lean Body Mass
- Satisfy Cravings
Bluebonnet Nutrition, Organic, Super Earth, Veggie Protein, Vanilla, 1 lb (486 g)
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