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  • Stage 2
  • 6 Months & Up
  • Organic Baby Food
  • USDA Organic
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  • Certified B Corporation
  • Non-BPA Packaging
  • Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth
Babies experience food with all five senses. Send your little explorer into the wonderful world of orange with this vibrant fruit & veggie combination. Set her sights on the full color palate and eat bright!

Nourish your b床的世界aby with a nutritious fruit & veggie blend-perfect for tiny tastes.

  • Nutrition - 270% DV Vitamin A - 20% DV Vitamin C
  • Stage 2 - Simple blends & smooth texture-ages 6 mos. & up
  • Palate - Train tiny taste buds from the very first bite
  • Promise -床的世界 Unsweetened, certified organic, no genetically modified ingredients

髮旺旺Plum Organics, Eat Your Colors,橙子,桃子,南瓜,胡蘿蔔和肉桂,3.5盎司(99克)







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